Specialization, professionalism, innovation
Specialization, search for the best solutions, professionalism and continuous innovation make Rosenfire the reference partner in the sector of fire-fighting fittings and equipment and in the development of the best high-pressure systems for the prevention of forest fires.
2564 Customers
59 Countries
1572 Produced Vehicles
5300 h. Designing

Leader in the design and preparation of firefighting vehicles
Rosenfire is born as a leader in the design and preparation of firefighting vehicles with the aim of offering only the best by making operational the observations and suggestions arising from the experience of users in the field to respond with ever greater efficiency through continuous interaction with the different requests.
Over time, Rosenfire has increasingly specialized in solutions for extinguishing and preventing forest fires by developing the best high pressure systems. In fact, the large fires that are occurring all over the world require new strategies and solutions and thanks to a continuous flow of information with professionals in the sector we have the necessary knowledge to develop the best solutions to protect forest ecosystems from the negative effects of fires.
A continuous research
One of the main objectives pursued by Rosenfire is the continuous search for adequate solutions to the technical and design problems to be faced to encourage the sharing of experiences between all the subjects involved so that they become a continuously evolving asset for the company as a whole and above all for the its customers.
The great experience of all our staff combined with the consolidated professional performance of Rosenfire has stimulated the interest of international reference brands in the fire and rescue vehicles and equipment market, which have chosen to entrust Rosenfire with the distribution of their products on the Italian market and, therefore, to further develop its production capacity.

Rosenfire pays the utmost attention to the latest regulations, guaranteeing respect for the environment, safety and health of its employees at work.